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I’ve been reading and watching a lot of docos about 60s and 70s politics lately and I don’t think ppl talk often enough about how LBJ won the largest popular majority in 64 and just 8 years later Nixon broke the electoral college record, something unthinkable today where only a dozen states are fought over

It does tie in time wise though with the mass production capitalist era back then and the target market and segmentation capitalist era today, probably just a coincidence but there might be something to it

In reality I think the bigger problem today is these billionaires are no better than the randos on Twitter, both groups only discovered politics was a thing that existed when it came across their Facebook feed in 2016 and just see it as a pick and team and cheer activity, then get trapped in their team’s bubble and get radicalised, none of them understand or care about political history or the development of the party’s or really the history of conservatism or liberalism, they just got a new hobby and we’d all be much better off if both groups just left politics to the grown ups

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